The Falling Water School specializes on the restoration of health, the prevention of disease and the maintainence of one's destiny ancient Daoist nature-centric practices of self-cultivation and body-regulation (neigong and yangshen). We seek an ever more organic kind of medicine that restores balance, generates health and ensures victory less as a conquest over adversity and more as an act of love and code of honor. We recognize that the labor of generating health and the labor of treating disease are two different labors, though they often overlap and intersect under the same name of "medicine." But here we are making a distinction that they are absolutely not the same and in fact represent opposite tracks, much like martial and civil. Treating disease is analagous to going to battle, while generating health is more like avoiding battle by ensuring ease through strategy, diplomacy and very careful and comprehensive kind of listening.
Controlling and suppressing symptoms is not the same as gaining health. Likewise in reverse, it must be understood that gaining health is not the same as controlling symptoms. There is a way to work with and accept, to live with and respond to symptoms that can also lead to symptom resolution, but does not set-up a rivalrous dynamic between a person and their nature in the process. It is less expensive than treating disease but requires much more personal energy and commitment. This is the focus of the Falling Water School. There is almost no disease, disorder or discomfort -- whether of body, mind or spirit -- that will not benefit from being addressed in this manner. Nor does one need to have any particular disease or discomfort present to begin to benefit from the same process. In the words of Laozi: "All beings vary in their style and expression yet each returns to the root the same."
From this angle, acupuncture and herbal therapy are viewed as complementary and supplemental practices. While diet, exercise and contemplative techniques are the fundamental areas of focus and inquiry. The life-nourishing principles and ingenious methods of the Daoist body technologies have been providing guidance toward vibrant health and holistic integrity for thousands of years. If one can truly develop a sincere practice of natural regulation, holistic accountability and steady internal growth using these time-tested principles, chronic health will be the result and there will be very little need for remedial interventions and modern medicine can better fulfill its much more effective role in managing severe conditions and acute emergencies.
To learn more or get started please don't hesitate to get in touch:
802-349-2725 or